Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Inside Out Sushi and Mouse Bun

Bento No. 34
  Another Sushi lunchbox with baked salmon and avocado yesterday!  I managed to place the edamame onto the satay skewer. You need a sharp skewer to do the job otherwise these beans will break easily.

I am so busy yesterdady from cutting my hair (at S$10 shop) to shopping for my hubby's shirt. Lately, I have been craving for fast food that I ordered a swiss mushroom burger setmeal from Burger King!  Sinful but yummy! 

Today, my son is going to have fun making Pumpkin and Veggie fritters at school.  So I prepared a light lunch for him which include a mouse bun (with fried egg, tomatoes, cheddar cheese and cucumber), some strawberries and steamed Japanese green pumpkin.  It is all packed into this lovely yellow box.  It's actually a popcorn box which we purchased from the Zoo.

Bento No. 35

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