Monday, August 8, 2011

Bumble Bee and sushi

Bento No. 104
 Hurray!  I have finally recovered from my cough and sore throat after taking the chinese medicine prescribed from Eu Yang San clinic at Plaza Singapura.  So is my son.  Yesterday, he was telling me "Mummy, I have no cough.  I can eat chocolate and ice cream."  In fact, we went to his schoolmate, Sean Sean, 4th birthday party at RiverGate yesterday despite it was raining.  And he has already had chocolate dino cake there and eaten all the gummies/jelly beans in the goodie bag.  He has lots of fun with 20 children (and the parents)!  My naughty son was so obsessed with presents that he has his hands full on Sean's presents.  Despite he was given a few punches and being pulled, he stood there like a stubborn rock!  Papa later settled him down reminding him that these presents do not belongs to him but the birthday boy.  The party has interesting acitivies like making a pteranodon with colourful papers and puting on a dino costumes (a pair of dino's big foot and long tail) for a rally race, all handmade by the lovely host. And my son's team won the race!  Yippee!  But our silly boy returned the wining prize, a chocolate dino egg and later, when he realised the rest of kids has it but he do not have it.  He teared.  Oh dear, he is too soft.  On separate note, he also does not know how to stand up for himself which I have observed on several occasions.  I told him he need to tell them firmly that "I don't like it.  Please do not do it again" if he feel disturbed or being bullied.  Hopefully, he can grow tougher...

I made a pair of bumble bees with tamagoyaki and cheese for the face. I used dried spagetti as the antenna and bone foodpicks for its wings.  My son teased me by saying "it is a funny bee...haha!"  The rest of his food contains baked salmon sushi, edamame and green kiwi.

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