Monday, September 19, 2011

Salmon sushi

Bento No. 120

We got our boy a new water bottle from Simei yesterday.  His favourite colours; orange and yellow.  He chose the sticker, 'Tom and Jerry' to be affixed on the bottle.  This is his third bottle I had purchased.  First is the Lighting McQueen and second is the Thomas and Train plastic bottles.  The former is still in used although the cartoon can hardly be seen now and the latter, he broke it.  They are all labelled as BPA free except for this 不锈钢单层运动水壶 made in Taiwan that did not specify if it is BPA free.  It cost us only $10 compared to those of brand name SIGG. At that point of purchase, Papa remarked "At least, it is not made in China!"

It is sushi bento for my son's lunch today.  I rolled it with baked salmon with cucumber and sprinked with seaweed flakes.  Aside, he has edamame, cherry tomatoes and dragonfruit. 

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