Friday, July 19, 2013

Portobello Mushroom Flower, Racial Harmony Day

Bento No.313
Portobello is the only kind of mushroom my boy eats.  I would not have buy it unless it was on sale because Portobello is quite pricey here in Singapore.   Today, I baked it with mozzarella cheese, honey baked ham, chopped garlic and seasoned it with black pepper.  I decorated the shroom flower with green kiwi (for the leaves and stem) and elbow shape pasta. It has the size of my palm and yet, my little man could almost finish it leaving only a quarter, on top of his pasta and one whole green kiwi.  Not his usual kind of lunch but I'm glad he likes it. 
On 17th July 2013, Wednesday, my boy's kindergarten commemorated his first Racial Harmony Day (RHD).  Children were encouraged to wear their ethnic clothes to school.  My son wore a shirt with Chinese character 福 printed on it (gifted by Evelyn and Christine jie jie (s) and a white pants. He didn't plan to wear it in the first place. It all started with a white lie fabricated by my tricky boy.  He told us that it was alright to wear the red T-shirt (which I bought it last year for National Day) and white shorts.  He insisted he got the permission from his teachers.  So, we did not bother to shop for any Chinese costume.  One day before the RHD, he came back from school and requested to wear Chinese costume instead.  I was dumbfounded and questioned him why he said it was alright to put on T-shirt and pants previously.  He confessed that was a lie :(   Probably, the teachers reminded the children to wear ethnic clothes and he felt uneasy about not telling me the truth.   I was angry and literally scolded him till he tears.  Yeah, another white lie....again.   It was not easy to remain calm under such circumstances.  My first reaction was "Why did you lie to me?".  The next day, I regretted the way I reacted.   Telling the truth = scolding from Mommy - that was the last thing I ever wanted to pass such message to my child. 

He enjoyed celebrating RHD with his teachers and children.  It was a pity that parents were not invited for the event as my boy told me that there was a performance by K2 children.  Children also had the opportunity to taste different ethnic groups of food such as Steamed Rice Cake (Chinese), Roti Jala - Net Crepes (Malay) and Muruku snack (Indian).  He also learned that there are four major races in Singapore; Chinese, Malay, Indian and Eurasian.  I was happy that he could also translate these words into Mandarin i.e. 华人, 马来人, 印度人, 欧亚族! 

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